Sérgio Hondjakoff, who is generally known for his exhibition in the film “Malhaço,” appeared to be changed in a live video posted on his Instagram account on Monday night.


At the point when his dad would not give him cash to travel, the entertainer seemed disappointed in the clasp. He even took steps to kill his dad on the video.

More points of interest of the occurrence are as per the following. Sergio Hondjakoff Twitter Video: What Happened? Sérgio Hondjakoff, who played Cabeço em Malhaço in the film Cabeço em Malhaço, reemerged on Twitter and other web-based entertainment on Monday looking totally changed, as though he was experiencing a restraint trouble.

The entertainer, who has recently owned up to drinking and taking medications, even took steps to kill his dad, Francisco José de Mendonça, to death with a cudgel.

According to sources, Sérgio then shows the stick in his grasp and undermines his dad. The photos have since been eliminated from the entertainer’s online entertainment accounts.

Sergio Hondjakoff as of late shouted out about his drinking. In a meeting with Record TV’s Domingo Espetacular, the entertainer examined the repercussions of habit and reviewed his visit in a recovery community last year.

Guardians Details: Who Is Sergio Hondjakoff’s, Father Aka Pai? Francisco José de Mendons and Carmen Lucia Hondjakoff are Sergio Hondjakoff’s folks. In the new video, the entertainer is seen undermining his pai (father) after he wouldn’t give cash to drugs.

Likewise, the entertainer was maddened in light of the fact that his dad wouldn’t give him R$1,000; he additionally chastised his mom for being accountable for his funds and expressed that he would have rather not entered recovery.

In the segment, a bit from the entertainer’s live transmission broadcasted, in which he requests 1,000 reais to send his dad to Sao Paulo. Sergio is incensed, guaranteeing that Francisco owes him the worth or he would need to kill him.

Vídeo 1: pic.twitter.com/igKKJKNK8m

— Mizael Izidoro Bello (@mizaelizidoro) June 7, 2022

Supposedly, he then changes to another situation, grasping lipstick. At the point when his dad begins making indecencies, he endeavors to stay away from the camera on the entertainer’s telephone.

Sergio Hondjakoff Struggle With Addiction Sergio Hondiakoff’s fight with nicotine dependence opened up to the world in August 2021, when an administration service covered a Pindamonhangaba treatment focus that held 46 patients in a confidential prison.

The personality of Cabeçao’s mediator was unveiled when the rundown of detainees was perused resoundingly.

Further, he even made a video for online entertainment to disprove reports that he was in the clinic, however a couple of days after the fact, he transparently conceded to battling with liquor and illicit drug use.