The biggest community complaint about Heroes of the Storm is the trickle of gold you get from completing a match, and that complaint is well-warranted: The game simply does not encourage you to grind for gold whatsoever, with the hourly average for gold gains being just over 70 gold an hour.
Each daily quest is designed so you get approximately 100 gold per match. This is approximate because of the ‘Win 3 Games’ quest, which gives 600 gold because matchmaking is designed so that players will only win 50% of their matches. That said, it is possible to complete the ‘Win 3 Games’ quest in any game mode, including versus AI.
Always remember you will only get one daily quest per day. Keep this in mind, especially when trying to hold onto quests to increase your chances of getting higher paying ones.
So what daily quests are there?
As stated above, daily quests are meant to give you about 100 gold per game. This is especially obvious in the case of the biggest gold-giving quest on the list, ‘Play 8 games’, which allows you to win or lose eight matches with any hero.
‘Win 3 games’ has the highest ratio of games to gold because it only requires three wins, which you can nab up in matches versus AI if you don’t have a ton of time and don’t want to risk it in Quick Match.
Which heroes will work for the average-tier dailies?
The heroes you can use for each daily should be fairly obvious, but let’s do a rundown.
Play 2 games as a Diablo hero
Azmodan Nazeebo Johanna Tyrael Diablo Sonya Valla
Play 2 games as a Starcraft hero
Abathur Raynor Nova Tychus Sgt. Hammer Kerrigan Tassadar Zagara Zeratul
Play 2 games as a Warcraft hero
Anub’arak Arthas Gazlowe Illidan Jaina Kael’thas Rehgar Uther Tyrande Thrall Brightwing Chen E. T. C. Falstad Li Li Malfurion Muradin Murky Stitches Sylvanas
Play 3 games as an Assassin
Illidan Jaina Kael’thas Nova Raynor Thrall Tychus Falstad Kerrigan Valla Zeratul
Play 3 games as a Specialist
Abathur Azmodan Gazlowe Nazeebo Sgt. Hammer Murky Sylvanas The Lost Vikings Zagara
Play 3 games as a Support
Rehgar Tyrande Uther Brightwing Li Li Malfurion Tassadar
Play 3 games as a Warrior
Anub’arak Arthas Johanna Tyrael Chen Diablo E. T. C. Muradin Stitches Sonya
Making the most of your dailies
This is something that’s ridiculously easy to do and can, surprisingly enough, increase your overall gold gain.
How many times have you gotten quests you either don’t want to do or don’t really have the heroes for on rotation? Newer players will say often to the second part of the question, no doubt, but there is a way to deal with that. Sort of.
Let’s say you get the ‘Play 2 games as a Starcraft hero’ and you either have no interest in any of them or simply don’t have access to one. That quest is going to sit in your log, and that is totally okay because that is one less quest to be pulled from the overall quest pool and slapped into your log.
You can never get a duplicate quest, and you can use this to your advantage by holding onto one or two that you either don’t want or can’t do and waiting to see what the third one is.
The best dailies to hold onto solely to make your chances of getting a good quest in the third slot in your log are ‘Play 2 games as a Diablo hero’ and ‘Play 2 games as a Starcraft hero’. Why? Because at the time of writing there is no Support Diablo hero nor is there a Warrior Starcraft hero.
The problem with this is that if you are particularly fond of heroes from the Diablo or Starcraft universes, holding onto those quests probably isn’t worth it. You may want to hold onto a 300g daily instead.
It sounds convoluted, but this is the best way to increase your chances to get the ‘Win 3 games’ and ‘Play 8 games’ daily quests. It increases your 1 in 9 chance to get one of them to a 1 in 7 instead. It effectively increases your average daily gold to 400 a day, which is not too shabby in a game that is so tight with its money.