Here’s how to complete the Hitman 3 Angry Birdy challenge.

Hitman 3 Angry Birdy Walkthrough

The first thing you’ll want to do is go upstairs to Level 3 by the staff room. It’s worth noting that if you’re at least Mastery Level 4, you can choose this room as a starting area and already be clad in a waiter’s outfit for easier moving about incognito. Otherwise, you’ll want to grab a staff or security disguise before heading upstairs.

In this hall (the same one where you get the privilege keycard for the server room) there will be two maintenance workers. One is a man working in the corner, and another is a woman on the phone talking about an explosive golf ball she brought to work but decided not to unleash on her boss.

If you hurry while she’s on the phone, you can knockout the man, stash his body in the closet in the hall, and take his disguise.

You’ll also want to knock out the woman when you get the chance, as she’s got the key to the maintenance room at the end of the hall.

Stash her body away as well and take the key to the end of the hall. Inside the door at the end of the hall, grab the explosive golf ball behind the red toolbox.

Next, you’ll want to gain access to the Penthouse suite, up another level on Level 4. For that, take a disguise from a Penthouse security guard — the ones with the red hats.

Once you have that, you can mostly move freely, just be mindful of the occasional NPC that will spot you as an intruder if you’re too close for too long. 

Go up the lavish staircase, and you’ll see an interior with more rooms on the left and a balcony on the right. Head outside to the balcony and leave the explosive golf ball in the bucket of many more golf balls.

It’ll be the first (and last) Ingram selects in a few moments.

With the ball waiting for its victim, you’ll need to get Ingram frustrated so he abandons his loop and retires to some golf for what he wrongly expects will be a relaxing distraction.

How to Distract Ingram So He Uses the Golf Ball

It’s important to know there are two levels to this area, and Ingram’s path takes him up and down, through several rooms.

First, follow him until he’s in the lower-level sitting room dictating an oral history of Providence into a recorder.

When it’s safe, turn on the radio in the corner of the room. Careful as it’s considered an illegal action and will arouse suspicion if anyone sees you do it. This will frustrate Ingram but he will resume dictating. Turn on the radio a second time to get him to storm off in a huff. 

Next, he’ll move upstairs to his room. Keep following and again be mindful of the guards who will see through your disguise.

When he begins dictating in his room (where he’s sitting behind a bunch of computer monitors), turn on the vacuum just outside the room to frustrate him a third and final time. This is another illegal action, so be careful.

Sensing he can’t get any work done, he heads off to golf and take his mind off things. You can follow to watch the show or wait for the notice from a distance, but at that point, he’s bound for the explosive golf ball.

He’ll tee off, explode on contact, and maybe even fall off the side of the skyscraper for good measure. Well done, 47.

That’s it for how to complete the Hitman 3 Angry Birdy challenge and get the explosive golf ball. For more assassination tips and tricks, consider heading over to our Hitman 3 guides page.