As per the subtleties of the episode shared by a companion on Twitter, it occurred on Tuesday, 27th September 2022. Not exclusively were Slash Boii and his companions killed, however it was likewise said that the executioners cut off their fingers and utilized their blood to compose on the wall.

Going further into the subtleties, a companion said that Hack Boii, his music maker, a companion, and his companion and the music maker’s sweetheart when the miserable occurrence occurred. It was said that the vocalist and the maker were attempting to record a melody.

His companion additionally said that the artist and his companion were at the vocalist and his companion was at an unlucky spot on the grounds that the executioners really came for the music maker and his sweetheart. Slash Boii and his companions were simply blow-back.

The character of the executioners or their reasons is as yet a secret. A few occupants in the space where the occurrence happened couldn’t trust their ears.

— ミ☆ FI’ (@Prof_Fiammari) September 28, 2022