Kochervey, 28, is said to have disappeared in the principal seven day stretch of August. she quit accepting calls from her loved ones.


What was the passing reason for Reality TV star Anastasia Kochervey? In St. Petersburg, Russia, on August 13, her scarcely dressed body was seen in a watershed. Legal specialists said on Wednesday that she was uncovered to be in her undies.

What has befallen Anastasia Kochervey? Despite the fact that the policing guarantee the body had no recognizable side effects of abuse, specialists are directing a request since they suspect she might have been assaulted and killed.

Anastasia appeared on the truth connecting programs Let’s Get Married and Dom-2, in which members fabricate houses and torment a man to cherish.

As indicated by reports, she got into a contention with an undermined person to execute her. There are reports that he could hurt her.

She fought to have been “ordinary” in their last discussion, despite the fact that she proclaimed to have “realized it would end along these lines.”

She said she was following through on her cost to be a VIP. She endeavored to guarantee that Anastasia definitely disliked prohibited tranquilizes and needed cognizance of numerous men. There are no particular realities about how she died and who was behind her homicide. Nonetheless, there are theories that she committed suicide. Things will be clear after the officials have begun the request.

— prizebondlives (@WorldWikis) August 26, 2022